The Role of Cultural Brokers in Digitizing Manuscripts (Speaking Analysis in Intercultural Communication) – AJHSSR

The Role of Cultural Brokers in Digitizing Manuscripts (Speaking Analysis in Intercultural Communication)

The Role of Cultural Brokers in Digitizing Manuscripts (Speaking Analysis in Intercultural Communication)

ABSTRACT: Cultural broker is a profession as a liaison and negotiator who has expertise in communication. This profession can be done to help in many institutions, such as hospitals, schools, and even in terms of saving ancient manuscripts, namely through digitization of manuscripts. In Indramayu, Indonesia, many manuscripts are damaged or even destroyed, so they need to be saved through digitization. But the effort to digitize it is not easy. There was a rejection made by the owner of the manuscript, thus hampering the digitization process. To prevent this and facilitate the digitization process, a cultural broker is needed. Culural brokers are expected to not only be able to connect digitizers with the owner of the manuscript but also to negotiate the importance of saving the manuscript through digitalization. To see how the role of cultural broker in the process of digitizing the manuscript, this study was conducted. The research method uses qualitative, ethno-communication approach to analytical speaking. The research technique used was observation and interviews. The findings found that, cultural brokers use a cultural approach to communication so that digitalization of the script can be done. By using intercultural communication techniques or cultural approaches, the cultural broker succeeded in convincing the owner of the manuscript, and digitization of the manuscript was successful.
KEYWORDS: cultural broker, digitalization manuscript, speaking analysis.