ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to explain the role of customer satisfaction mediating the effect of perceived value and service quality on customer loyalty. The study was conducted in Denpasar City involving 140 respondents who used the service in Auto 2000 through a purposive sampling method. Data collection uses questionnaires. Data analysis technique used is path analysis and multiple test. The results showed the perception of value and service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction, perceived value has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction positively and significantly mediates the effect of perceived value and service quality on customer loyalty. This research is expected to be able to make empirical contributions in maximizing services and benefits that build positive customer value perceptions of the company so consumers will feel satisfied and will have an attachment to the company that will cause loyalty to consumers.
Keywords: Customers, customer satisfaction, perceived value, service quality, customer loyalty.