The Role of Customer Satisfaction Mediating The Influence of Store Atmosphere and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in Warung Kopi Umah Lokal – AJHSSR

The Role of Customer Satisfaction Mediating The Influence of Store Atmosphere and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in Warung Kopi Umah Lokal

The Role of Customer Satisfaction Mediating The Influence of Store Atmosphere and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in Warung Kopi Umah Lokal

ABSTRACT : Warung Kopi Umah Loka lis one of the business that follows the current trend by having arooftop for its competitive advantage. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of customersatisfaction in mediating the influence of store atmosphere and service quality on customer loyalty.Judgment sampling is used to determine the sample. This research used quantitative method with analysistechnique using SEM-PLS. Based on the results of the analysis shows that:store atmosphere has a positiveand significant effect on customer satisfaction, store atmosphere has a positive and significant effect oncustomer loyalty, service quality has positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction,service qualityhas positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction is able to mediate storeatmosphere on customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction is able to mediate service quality on customerloyalty.

Keywords –customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, SEM-PLS