ABSTRACT:The purpose of this study was to examine the role of E-Satisfaction in mediating Effect of EServqual and E-Trust Against E-Loyalty. The number of samples as many as 100 people determined byaccidental sampling technique with non-probability sampling method. The data analysis technique used isPartial Least Square-Path Modeling Reflective Multidimensional Construct (Second Order Construct) withSmartPLS 3.0 software. The results obtained in this study are e-service quality has a significant effect on esatisfaction, e-trust has a significant effect on e-satisfaction, e-satisfaction has a significant effect on eloyalty, e-service quality has no significant effect on e-loyalty, e-trust no significant effect on e-loyalty, eservice quality has a significant effect on e-loyalty through e-satisfaction and e-trust has a significant effect one-loyalty through e-satisfaction.
KEYWORDS:E-Servquall, E-Trust, E-Satisfaction, E-Loyalty, Mobile Banking