The Role of Job Burnout in Mediating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Work Satisfaction at PerumdaTirtaAmerthaBuana in Tabanan – AJHSSR

The Role of Job Burnout in Mediating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Work Satisfaction at PerumdaTirtaAmerthaBuana in Tabanan

The Role of Job Burnout in Mediating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Work Satisfaction at PerumdaTirtaAmerthaBuana in Tabanan

ABSTRACT : Work satisfaction is a positive individual feeling that arises from various aspects of the job. This Work satisfaction is influenced by the existence of perceived organizational support and job burnout experienced by employees, seen from the organizational support theory aspect, this condition arises as a result of the relationship between companies and employees which underlines the importance of paying attention to employee welfare as an important asset of the company. This study aims to analyze the role of job burnout in mediating the effect of perceived organizational support on Work Satisfaction. This research was conducted at PerumdaTirtaAmerthaBuanaTabanan. The number of samples used are 78 employees determined by simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is path analysis. The results show that perceived organizational support has a negative and significant effect on job burnout; Perceived organizational support has a positive and significant effect on work satisfaction; Job burnout has a negative and significant effect on work satisfaction; Job burnout mediates the effect of perceived organizational support on work satisfaction
Keywords -perceived organizational support, job burnout, work satisfaction