The Role of Job Satisfaction Mediates The Effect of OrganizationalJustice on Organizational Commitment at PT. KaryaTangan Indah –Badung – AJHSSR

The Role of Job Satisfaction Mediates The Effect of OrganizationalJustice on Organizational Commitment at PT. KaryaTangan Indah –Badung

The Role of Job Satisfaction Mediates The Effect of OrganizationalJustice on Organizational Commitment at PT. KaryaTangan Indah –Badung

ABSTRACT: The implementation of a good management strategy can be achieved by knowing the factorsthat influence employee organizational commitment. Employee commissioners are where employees can acceptorganizational goals and will remain or will not leave the organization. Low employee commitment willcertainly reduce employee performance which will have an impact on employee performance which will end indecreasing quality of service to the community. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of jobsatisfaction in mediating the effect of organizational justice on organizational commitment. The study wasconducted on a manufacturing sector company engaged in the manufacture of gold and silver-based jewelrynamed Employees of PT. KaryaTangan Indah is located in AbiansemalBadung. This research uses quantitativemethods. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and random samples to obtain 147 respondents.Data collection methods through questionnaires which are then processed using path analysis.The results of the analysis obtained are Organizational Justice’s positive and significant effect on jobsatisfaction. Organizational Justice has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Commitment. Jobsatisfaction has a positive and significant impact on Organizational Commitment. Job satisfaction positively andsignificantly mediates the effect of Organizational Justice on Organizational Commitment. This shows thatOrganizational Justice provides a significant impact on Organizational Commitment if mediated by jobsatisfaction, which means that Organizational Commitment is highly dependent on the level of employee jobsatisfaction and also the level of Organizational Justice given by the company.

KEYWORDS:Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment