The Role of Job Satisfaction Medium Perceived Organizational Support to Behavior Organizational Citizenship Among Employees In Bali Zoo – AJHSSR

The Role of Job Satisfaction Medium Perceived Organizational Support to Behavior Organizational Citizenship Among Employees In Bali Zoo

The Role of Job Satisfaction Medium Perceived Organizational Support to Behavior Organizational Citizenship Among Employees In Bali Zoo

ABSTRACT: Human Resourcesdivision have important role to help company achieve goals. The purpose ofthis study was to analyze the effect of POS on job satisfaction and OCB, the effect of job satisfaction on OCB,and the role of job satisfaction mediating POS on OCB. The study was conducted in the Bali Zoo OperationalDivision with 56 respondents using proportionate stratified random sampling. Data collected by questionnaire,analyzed by path analysis. The results found, POS positively and significantly affected job satisfaction andOCB. Job Satisfaction has positive and significant effect on OCB and positively mediate the effect of POS onOCB. Employee who feel satisfied with their work will arise the desire to work beyond the mandatory given. Theresults provide an implication to management regarding how important it is to pay attention to and supportevery job that is charged to employees that can influence job satisfaction in creating OCB.

Keywords: Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior