The Role Of Organizational Commitments Mediating The Effect Of Employee Satisfaction To Employee Intention Turnover – AJHSSR

The Role Of Organizational Commitments Mediating The Effect Of Employee Satisfaction To Employee Intention Turnover

The Role Of Organizational Commitments Mediating The Effect Of Employee Satisfaction To Employee Intention Turnover

ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study is to explain the role of job satisfaction towards turnover intentionthrough mediating organizational commitment at Pelangi Bali Hotel, Seminyak, Badung. The population are125 employees with 56 employees as sample using simple random sampling. Data collected through interviewsand questionnaires. Path analysis is used. The analysis shows that job satisfaction has a positive and significanteffect on organizational commitment. Job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on turnoverintention. Organizational commitment has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. Jobsatisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. organizational commitment isable to mediate the effect of job satisfaction on employee turnover intention or in other words job satisfactionhas a negative and significant effect on turnover intention through organizational commitment, which means thehigher the level of employee job satisfaction, the higher the commitment to the organization as well the lowerthe level the desire of employees to leave the Pelangi Bali Hotel company, Seminyak, Badung.

Keywords -job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention