ABSTRACT: Turnover Intention is the employee’s mind to leave looking for a new job, or the desire to leavethe company. Workers who experience turnover intention are caused by several factors, such as unsuitablewages, working hours that are not in accordance with regulations, unclear career development policies, and poorrelations between employees and their superiors. The purpose of this study was to explain the effect ofperceived organizational support on turnover intention, explain the effect of perceived organizational support onorganizational commitment, explain the effect of organizational commitment on turnover intention, and explainthe role of organizational commitment in mediating perceived organizational support on turnover intention. Thisresearch was conducted at Tijili Seminyak Hotel. , Badung, Bali Indonesia. The number of samples used in thisstudy amounted to 60 respondents, using a saturated sampling technique. The method of data collection is doneby using an online-based questionnaire, namely through Google Form. The data analysis techniques in this studywere path analysis, descriptive statistics and sobel test. Based on the test results, it was found that perceivedorganizational support had a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. Perceived organizationalsupport has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Organizational commitment has anegative and significant effect on turnover intention. Organizational commitment mediates the effect ofperceived organizational support on turnover intention.
Keywords: organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, turnover intention