ABSTRACT:One of the businesses that attract public attention is the event decoration business. To facecompetition, every company must maintain customer trust and pay attention to service quality by providing theservices desired by consumers, so that the perceived value perceived by consumers after using services can befulfilled. This study aims to determine the role of perceived value in mediating the effect of service quality oncustomer trust. The population used in this study is consumers who live in the city of Denpasar and allconsumers who have used the service of Heaven Flow Decoration in the city of Denpasar. The sample used inthis study amounted to 100 people obtained through purposive sampling sample selection techniques. The dataanalysis technique used in this study is the path analysis technique.The results of this study stated that servicequality has a positive effect on customer trust, then service quality has a positive effect on perceived value, thenthe perceived value has a positive effect on customer trust, and perceived value mediates the effect of servicequality on customer trust. Companies should be able to increase the company’s understanding of customerperceptions so that customer desires could be understood so that trust in the company increases.
KEYWORDS: Service Quality, Perceived Value, And Customer Trust