The Role of Religion In Addressing Contemporary Social And Political Issues – AJHSSR

The Role of Religion In Addressing Contemporary Social And Political Issues

The Role of Religion In Addressing Contemporary Social And Political Issues

ABSTRACT: Religion has been a fundamental aspect of human civilization, shaping cultures, societies, andindividual behaviours throughout history. Its influence on social norms is profound and multifaceted, affectingvarious dimensions of life, including morality, family structures, and community interactions. This essayanalyses what Religion can do by engaging in several contemporary issues and challenges politically andsocially. Religion strongly intersects with politics and people’s lives in many societies around the world. Thus, itis important to explore the role that religion can play in general towards political and social matters and issues inmodern world. It touches briefly on some key elements which give a general picture on the subject.

KEYWORDS; Religion, Social and Political Issues, Influence of Religion, Conflict Resolution, Social Norms