The Role of Stakeholders in the Development of Agrotechnopark in the Province of West Sumatra – AJHSSR

The Role of Stakeholders in the Development of Agrotechnopark in the Province of West Sumatra

The Role of Stakeholders in the Development of Agrotechnopark in the Province of West Sumatra

ABSTRACT : The purpose of this research is analyzing the factors that influence institutional activities and the role of stakeholders in the development of Agricultural Technology Parks (Agrotechnopark), 2) Formulating a model of institutional development in the area Agrotechnopark. Data collection is carried out in this study using several methods, namely primary data collection and secondary data collection. Primary data obtained by surveys, filling in questionnaires and in-depth interviews with experts or stakeholders associated with the actororiented analysis method with the source. This study uses qualitative analysis such as Focus Group Discussion, interviews and quantitative analysis using statistical analysis. The results showed the factors that influence institutional activities (Village-Owned Enterprises-BUM-Nag) are the factors of the Nagari government initiative, Nagari economic potential, Nagari natural resources, human resources capable of managing BUMNag and capital. Stakeholders involved in the development of the Agrotechnoparkareainclude Institute for Agricultural Technology Assesment, agriculture department, cooperative and industry service, LimapuluhKotaPlanning, Research, and Development Board, Nagari and their staff, farmer groups, BUM-Nag, Limapuluh Kota Regency Government, Payakumbuh State Polytechnic andneed for synergy between stakeholders by restoring or reactivating Agrotechnopark
KEYWORDS:agricultural area; institutional; productivity;stakeholders