The Role of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) inEradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism In Indonesia – AJHSSR

The Role of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) inEradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism In Indonesia

The Role of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) inEradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism In Indonesia

ABSTRACT : The meaning of terrorism has undergone a paradigm shift and expansion, namely crime against the state, now includes crime against humanity. The victims are innocent people and carried out with elements of violence (violence as the goal) and threats of violence. Countering acts of terrorism in the era of globalization is limited to acts of terror and criminal acts. This article aims to analyze the role of the TNI (Indonesian National Army) in eradicating acts of terrorism in Indonesia. The method used in this article is a normative legal writing method with a statutory approach, namely international conventions governing terrorism. The conclusion in this article is that the role of the TNI in combating terrorism is regulated in a Presidential Regulation as mandated by Article 34I of Law no. 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism. The contents of the Presidential Regulation include 3 (three) functions of the TNI, namely the functions of prevention, prosecution, and recovery. These three functions are implementing Article 6 of Law no. 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army. The formulation policy is implemented in collaboration with the Ministry or related institutions under the coordination of the agency that carries out affairs in counter-terrorism. However, the implementation of the law relating to the involvement of the TNI in eradicating acts of terrorism as mandated by Article 34I of Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism, cannot be implemented concretely in the field so that the involvement of the TNI in eradicating acts of terrorism is still an aid to the Polri(State Police of the Republic of Indonesia) institution through state political policies.

KEYWORD: TNI, Terrorism, Law, Radicalism, and Security