ABSTRACT: Trust and brand image in the eyes of the public is an important component of the company thatcan influence purchasing decisions. This research was conducted to users. Data collection was obtained bydistributing questionnaires through Google form. Data analysis techniques used are path analysis, classicassumption tests, and multiple tests. From the results of this study the influence of E-Wom on purchasingdecisions has a positive and significant effect, the effect of E-Wom on trust has a positive and significant effect,the influence of E-Wom on brand image has a positive and significant effect, the influence of trust on a buyingdecision has a positive and significant effect, the influence brand image on purchasing decisions has a positiveand significant effect, the role of trust and brand image mediate E-Wom on purchasing decisions have a positiveand significant effect. These results indicate that the higher E-Wom, brand image and trust will be able toincrease decisions in making purchasing decisions on Tokopedia Products in Denpasar.
Keywords: E-Wom, trust, brand image, purchasing decisions