The Role of Trust Mediates the Effect of Customer satisfaction on Repurchase Intention (Study on Consumer Chatime) in Denpasar City – AJHSSR

The Role of Trust Mediates the Effect of Customer satisfaction on Repurchase Intention (Study on Consumer Chatime) in Denpasar City

The Role of Trust Mediates the Effect of Customer satisfaction on Repurchase Intention (Study on Consumer Chatime) in Denpasar City

ABSTRACT: Thepurpose of this study is to explain the role of trust in mediating the effect of customersatisfaction on repurchase intentions. The study was conducted in Denpasar with a total sample of 60respondents who had made purchases on Chatime products. The sample is determined using the non-probabilitysampling method with a purposive sampling technique. Data collection method is to conduct a survey using aquestionnaire as a research instrument. Data analysis techniques used are path analysis (path analysis) andmultiple tests. The results showed that all hypotheses were accepted. Customer satisfaction has a positive andsignificant effect on repurchase intentions, customer satisfaction has a direct effect on trust, trust has a directinfluence on repurchase intentions and trust mediates the effect of customer satisfaction on repurchaseintentions.

Keywords:customer satisfaction, trust, repurchase intention