ABSTRACT : Pt. Aura Bali Craft is one of the companies included in the creative industries sector in Bali. Pt.Aura Bali Craft is located at Jalan Raya Dalung No. 95, Dalung, North Kuta, Badung, Bali. The company isengaged in handicrafts made of stone, glass, ceramic, and fiber. This research was conducted on employees ofPT. Aura Bali Craft. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of work involvement in mediating theinfluence of authentic leadership on employee creativity at PT Aura Bali Craft. The samples used in this studywere 36 people, using saturated sampling techniques. Data collection is obtained from the results of thedissemination of questionnaires directly to employees of PT Aura Bali Craft. The data analysis in this study usespath analysis. The results showed that authentic leadership had a significant positive effect on work engagement.Authentic leadership has a significant positive effect on employee creativity. Work engagement has a significantpositive effect on employee creativity. Work engagement has a positive and significant effect as a variable thatis able to mediate the influence of authentic leadership on employee creativity.
KEYWORDS : Authentic leadership, Job engagement, Employee Creativity