ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to explain the influence of career development, and workmotivation on employee performance, to explain the influence of career development on work motivation, aswell as to explain the role of work motivation in mediating the influence of career development on employeeperformance. The population of this study is all employees of 49 people at PT Tiara Indah Abadi (PiaggioVespa). The sampling technique in this study used saturated samples, so that 49 samples were obtained. Thedata collection method uses a questionnaire. The analysis technique used is path analysis. The results of thisstudy show that career development, and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on theperformance of employees of PT Tiara Indah Abadi (Piaggio Vespa) Imam Bonjol Branch, then careerdevelopment has a positive and significant effect on performance and Work motivation can partially mediatebetween the influence of career development on employee performance. This shows that the higher the careerdevelopment done by employees, the higher the performance, with the motivation of work as a mediator cangive encouragement to consumers to further strengthen in performing optimal performance.
KEYWORDS: career development, work motivation, employee performance