The Use of Learning Media on Writing Skill in Learning Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers – AJHSSR

The Use of Learning Media on Writing Skill in Learning Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers

The Use of Learning Media on Writing Skill in Learning Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers

ABSTRACT: Media is one of the important aspects that must be considered in supporting the success in learning a language. Writing skill is one of the language skills that must be mastered by someone. Therefore, in learning writing of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA), it is necessary to have media that can help the teaching and learning process. This article discusses about the use of learning media of writing in learning Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) at BIPA, Semarang State University. The type of this research was qualitative research with case study approach. This research was conducted for two months, in October – November 2018. The data in this research were obtained through two ways, namely observation and interview. The data sources in this research were objects (the used media) and instructors of BIPA at BIPA, Semarang State University. Based on the research results, learning writing at BIPA, Semarang State University used two types of media, namely visual media and text media. The used visual media were pictures, sketches, and color cards. The used text media were word cards and books. To choose the appropriate media in the learning process, the instructors needed to consider some factors.
KEYWORDS :BIPA, learning media, Indonesian writing, foreign language