Time Management and Work Performance of Public School Secondary Teachers amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in District Of Palauig, Zambales – AJHSSR

Time Management and Work Performance of Public School Secondary Teachers amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in District Of Palauig, Zambales

Time Management and Work Performance of Public School Secondary Teachers amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in District Of Palauig, Zambales

ABSTRACT: This study explored the aspects of Time Management and Work Performance of the PublicSchool Secondary Teachers Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in District of Palauig, Zambales. The study utilizeddescriptive research design with questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data from the population ofeighty-two (82) teachers. It was limited to determine the profile of age, sex, civil status, educational attainment,religion, numbers of teaching hours, employment status, position and length of service. The researcher found outthat the teacher-respondent is a typical female in her middle adulthood, married, BS degree with masteral units,Roman Catholic, with 15.62 of teaching hours per week, permanent employee, with position as teacher I andteacher III, and had been in the teaching service for one and half decade. The teacher-respondent assessed as“Always” on keeping commitments determinants, controlling interruptions determinants, planning of activitiesdeterminants, using resources determinants and balancing lifestyles determinants as predictors affecting the timemanagement. Assessed “Always” on content and knowledge pedagogy determinants, diversity of learners &assessment and reporting determinants, curriculum and planning determinants, community linkages andprofessional engagement & personal growth and professional development determinants and core behavioralcompetencies determinants as variables affecting the work performance of teacher-respondents.There is asignificant difference on the teacher-respondents planning of activities and balancing lifestyles managementaccording to their length of service profile variable.There is a significant difference on the teacher-respondents‟performance of community linkages and professional engagement & personal growth and professionaldevelopment according to their age profile variable. There is no significant relationship between the teacherrespondents‟ balancing lifestyles time management and work performance in terms of curriculum and planningand community linkages.

KEYWORDS: Time Management, Work Performance, Individual Performance Commitment and ReviewForm.