Tourism Development Strategy in Gunung Salak Tourism Village Kecamatan (Sub District) Selemadeg Timur, Kabupaten (District) Tabanan Bali – Indonesia – AJHSSR

Tourism Development Strategy in Gunung Salak Tourism Village Kecamatan (Sub District) Selemadeg Timur, Kabupaten (District) Tabanan Bali – Indonesia

Tourism Development Strategy in Gunung Salak Tourism Village Kecamatan (Sub District) Selemadeg Timur, Kabupaten (District) Tabanan Bali – Indonesia

ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of tourism in terms of Attraction, Accessibility, Amenity, Ancillary Service and to formulate alternative tourism development strategies in Gunung Salak Tourism Village. This research uses descriptive methods with qualitative and quantitative approaches and uses primary and secondary data. Such as collecting data through literature study methods, observation, questionnaires, interviews, Focus Group Discussion, and documentation. The sample in this study is 25 people who were determined by purposive sampling consisting of elements of government / institutional village offices, traditional villages of Gunung Salak, local communities and tourists. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive method and strategy analysis through SWOT analysis with IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary) and EFAS (External Factors Analysis Summary) models. The results showed that the IFAS value was 3.23 while the EFAS value of 3.04 placed a general strategy for the development of Gunung Salak Tourism Village, which is located in cell I, which has the characteristics of growth and build (grow and build). Based on the characteristics of these strategies, alternative strategies to support tourism development in Gunung Salak Tourism Village are: development of diversification of tourism products, development of tourism supporting facilities and infrastructure, institutional formation and management of tourism village management through Bumdes supported by professional human resources in the tourism sector and increased community participation, as well as increasing the synergy of cross-sectoral cooperation (government, community, tourism business actors) in developing tourism products, marketing and promoting tourism in Gunung Salak Tourism Village.

KEYWORDS: Tourism Village, Gunung Salak, Strategy, Tourism