Tradition-Based Wellness Tourism Development Case Study: Surakartea Tea House – AJHSSR

Tradition-Based Wellness Tourism Development Case Study: Surakartea Tea House

Tradition-Based Wellness Tourism Development Case Study: Surakartea Tea House

ABSTRACT: This aims study to determine the development of “wellness tourism” at the Surakartea TeaHouse based on the tea drinking tradition as well as the potential and reasons for its establishment in SurakartaCity. The descriptive method with a qualitative approach was carried out within the scope of Surakarta City andspecifically at the Surakarta tea house. The data obtained is the result of interviews and observations both orallyand in writing which are then presented in the form of a description. Data collection techniques use datatriangulation, both technical triangulation and source triangulation. Data analysisusing the SWOT analysistechnique. The results of the study found thatthe strategy used by Surakartea Tea House in dealing with internalobstacles is to use a turn around strategy. Minimizing internal weaknesses with solutions to internal evaluationsto develop external potential. The city of Surakarta has the potential to develop wellness tourism based on thetradition of drinking tea at the Surakartea Tea House due to the vision as a city of culture and tradition which isof great concern because traditions have taken root in the government and its people, one of which is the cultureand tradition of drinking tea. Traditional wellness tourism products in Surakarta consist of walking tours,drinking tea and live gamelan music.

KEYWORDS: Tea House, Tradition, Wellness Tourism