ABSTRACT: Achieving a Professor‟s degree is the dream of almost everybody, especially the academicspeople. This is because in the education, the title of Professor is the priveleged honorary degree. This studyaims to investigate and describe the various transitivity processes employed by Joko Widodo’s speech,particularly during the inauguration of Megawati Soekarnoputri as a Professor. This study based on systemicfunctional linguistics. The descriptive qualitative methodology was used in this study. The information wasobtained from the YouTube link. The data were Joko Widodo’s utterances while delivering the speech, whichtotaled 73 data points. The data analysis was carried outby using interactive model data analysis. The findings ofthis study show that the use of the types of transitivity processes was different for each type. Joko Widodo indelivering his speech used the material process the most dominant in his speech, followed by the relationalprocess, the behavioral process, the mental process, the verbal process, and the existential process. The results ofthis study show that Joko Widodo hopes that Megawati Soekarnoputri as a Professor will take steps and actionsthat can contribute to the advancement of the Indonesian nation. This can be seen from the most dominant use ofmaterial processes related to physical actions and concrete actions of a professor who is expected to be able togive the Indonesian nation a change in a better direction.
Keywords: Experiential Function, Ideational Function, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Speech, TransitivityProcess