Understanding Indonesian President’s Speech in Critical Discourse: Political Power through the Power of Language Perspective – AJHSSR

Understanding Indonesian President’s Speech in Critical Discourse: Political Power through the Power of Language Perspective

Understanding Indonesian President’s Speech in Critical Discourse: Political Power through the Power of Language Perspective

ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the Indonesian President’s speech that emphasizes his authority amidst the dynamic political context of an election year. The research explores how the President’s rhetoric is crafted to assert political dominance and influence public perception in a period of political uncertainty, power struggles, and election-year dynamics. The President’s speech on August 17, 2024, reveals how political power and the strength of language are evident in his statement asserting that he is not a “village head” but the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Additionally, the President rejects the role of leader of any political party or coalition. This study employs Fairclough’s (1995) Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), which outlines three dimensions: (1) text as representation, (2) text as discursive practice, produced and interpreted, and (3) social practice, the use of language in socio-political context. The research utilizes a qualitative descriptive method, analyzing data from the President’s speech delivered to the Indonesian House of Representatives on August 17, 2024. The findings indicate that the speech serves not only as a tool for political communication but also as a means of asserting power and reinforcing nationalism. The study uncovers the use of diction, sentences, and meanings that arise from the text’s context.

KEYWORDS:Critical Discourse Analysis, Political Power, President’s Speech, Power of Language, Nationalism