ABSTRACT : Novel Kumara Hikayat Sang Kekasih is a novel by S.Jai that tells about the side of life of the people of Kediri. Kediri is the hometown of S.Jai, so he raises stories about the people of Kediri. Kumara Hikayat Sang Kekasih novel tells about the spirit of life of the personal figures of small communities in remote villages in Java, precisely in the Kediri hamlet in the face of shifting, friction and changing times. Based on feeling like asking questions or at least doubts about the ups and downs of abangan, santri and priyayi relations. This study aims to describe the values of Education contained in the Kumara Hikayat Sang Kekasih novel by S.Jai. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with content analysis or content analysis. This method is used to examine the contents of a document. The document in this study is the Kumara Hikayat Sang Lover novel. The results showed that the Kumara Hikayat Sang Kekasih novel, most of the people who developed in Kediri was the life of a Santri, Priyayi and Abangan which were compiled as documentation of the mental history of the community and the novel contained educational values, including social, moral, cultural, religious education ,ekonommi and historically
KEYWORDS :Novels, content analysis, and educational values.