Visual Communication in Queen of Langkasuka (Film) – AJHSSR

Visual Communication in Queen of Langkasuka (Film)

Visual Communication in Queen of Langkasuka (Film)

ABSTRACT: The main aim of this article is to emphasize the importance of the genre of the biography in order to express an own voice. In this sense, women voices are specially taken into account through history until the 21st century where female models like Michelle Robinson Obama uses her own voice to legitimise her story and provide girls all over the world with powerful weapons to fight against injustice, racism and the difficulties of being oneself. Besides, in her recent biography Becoming (2018), she analyses in-depth the power of connections with others and one`s self through her life. In this line of argument, she pays attention to how others contribute to her path and the significance of feeling unique and loved.
KEYWORDS: Biography, Becoming, connections, racism, women voice