ABSTRACT : Massive industrialization has increased pressure on agricultural land due to conversion,including what happened in Cilegon City. If there is no anticipatory action, food security will be vulnerable.Responding to industrialization, which has an impact on food vulnerability in Cilegon City, Pertamina PatraNiaga Fuel Terminal TanjungGerem is implementing a community empowerment program that mainstreams therole of women in utilizing small urban land for food production activities in the PRI Mapan program. Using theparticipatory rural appraisal (PRA) concept, this paper aims to explain the program implementation strategy. Inaddition, through this paper, we conduct a desire compass analysis and social return on investment (SROI) tomeasure the program’s impact. As a result, the PRI Mapan program positively impacted efforts to realize foodsecurity in urban areas through urban farming activities, as evidenced by an increase in social, economic,welfare, and environmental aspects and an SROI index of more than 1.
KEYWORD: women empowerment, urban farming, food security