Women Slowing in the Art of the Long Saluang in Nagari Alam Duo West Sumatra: A Cultural Study – AJHSSR

Women Slowing in the Art of the Long Saluang in Nagari Alam Duo West Sumatra: A Cultural Study

Women Slowing in the Art of the Long Saluang in Nagari Alam Duo West Sumatra: A Cultural Study

ABSTRACT: Saluang Panjang is a genre of Minangkabau traditional art found in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency, West Sumatra. This art is performed by a saluang blower and the audience, both men and women, as singers. This art is performed at night. From the point of view of adat and the Islamic religion in Minangkabau, women are seen as inappropriate to appear in shows like this, especially in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, because according to custom, women are conditioned to stay at home. However, thanks to the struggle and emancipation of women who have indirectly demanded equality and justice, women have finally received the same rights as men. Why do women have to act as men, of course there are several factors that encourage it, including emotional, economic, inheritance, and so on. To address this, this study uses aesthetic theory and feminist theory with descriptive-qualitative and interpretive analysis methods supported by data collection methods in the field. KEYWORDS: Singing woman, long salute, feminist.