Workplace Politics on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Exploring How Individual Profiles Moderate the Relationship – AJHSSR

Workplace Politics on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Exploring How Individual Profiles Moderate the Relationship

Workplace Politics on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Exploring How Individual Profiles Moderate the Relationship

ABSTRACT: The research was to ascertain the relationship between organizational politics andorganizational citizenship behavior and whether a significant difference exists in organizational citizenshipbehavior when age, sex, and educational levels are considered. It examines the moderated effect of personalprofiles on the influence of organizational politics on organizational citizenship behavior. The study adopted thedescriptive correlational research design and the random sampling technique to draw three hundred and thirtyfour respondents from tertiary institutions in Ghana. The findings showed a significant positive relationshipbetween organizational politics and the citizenship behavior of employees. There is a significant difference inorganizational citizenship behavior regarding the faculty and staff sex, educational level, and age. Althoughyounger faculty and staff showed more involvement in corporate politics affecting volunteerism, gender, andacademic status did not enhance the influence of organizational politics on employee volunteerism. The researchrecommends that administrators should demonstrate positive organizational politics by using their positions toachieve institutional goals. Additionally, human resource managers should enrich and enlarge youngeremployees’ jobs to engage in voluntary work behaviors to acquire experience and assume future responsibilities.

KEYWORDS- organizational citizenship behavior, organizational politics, private tertiary institutions,personal profiles